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In the broad light of day

mathematicians check their equations and their proofs,

leaving no stone unturned in their search for rigour.


at night,

under the full moon,

they dream,

they float among the stars

and wonder at the miracle of the heavens.

They are inspired.

Without dreams there is no art,

no mathematics,

no life.

                                                             Sir Michael Atiyah



July 2015 - March 2019

RMIT University

Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematical Science)

Supervisors: Dr. Vera Roshchina (UNSW),

                     Prof. Andrew Eberhard

Research Area: Facial Structure for Convex Sets,

                         Polyhedral Theory,

                         Conic Optimisation

2013 - 2015

The University of Melbourne

Master of Science (Mathematics)

Supervisor: Dr. Lawrence Reeves

Research Area: Pure Mathematics (Geometric Group Theory)

Thesis Grade: First Class Honours

2010 - 2012

The University of Melbourne

Bachelor of Science (Pure Mathematics and Discrete Mathematics and Operations Research)

Master's degree research thesis

Full CV available upon request

A. Eberhard, V. Roshchina, T. Sang, Outer limits of subdifferentials for min-max type functions (2017)


V. Roshchina, T. Sang, D. Yost, On the dimensions of faces of compact convex sets (2016), MATRIX Research Institute, Springer

Journal Reviewing

Reviewer for Set-valued and Variational Analysis, Springer

T. Sang, On the conjecture by Demyanov-Ryabova in converting finite exhausters (2017), J. Optim Theory Appl

PhD research thesis

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