Concert with Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
2nd June 2018
Below are some belated photos from my last concert with MSO. Finally, I got a bit time to share some vert brief words about it. There are many more photos I'm not able to upload due to limited space here.
It was very emotional walking towards Hamer Hall that Friday, and going through that stage door. Then knowing having some friends, colleagues, even my students sitting in the audience to support me gives me such a warm feeling.
Guess I don't get featured on the big screen at Hamer Hall every day... I would like to acknowledge many things Rob Cossom has done to look after me, it was a very emotional experience for sure... Rob's "interesting" compliment on my cymbal playing, and his number 1 "concert rule", plus receiving the precious Cossom signature drum sticks... etc. Thanks to Rob for having my back there. Thanks to Rob for many things.
I would like to also thank John Arcaro for his encouragement, even if he wasn't involved in this project, he still provided a lot of support, as always.