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Concerts with Surrey Hills Orchestra

Below is a video of the piece from my recent performance with Surrey Hills Orchestra on 4th August, Arutiunian Trumpet Concerto. 

Nice piece to be on snare drum, with 80% notes are drag ruff were fun. Though sadly as the whole orchestra missed one beat completely, which created a bit trouble... 

Most importantly, a very nice orchestra to work with, as everyone shows a lot respect to each other, and I felt a lot appreciation from the orchestra for what I have done. 

It was nice to have my friend Phil Arkinstall from MSO showed up at the concert and gave a lot compliment. Very kind of him indeed. 

Below are two video recordings from the end of year 2018 concert with Surrey Hills Orchestra. A lot pressure at the time, being on the famous killer snare drum audition piece Prokofiev's Lieutenant Kije... Ironically, after two months haven't practiced or played, finally joined back to rehearsal a week before the concert, played the killer audition piece for the first time, and then was being confirmed the part is mine! The percussionist who's been on snare for past two months being moved onto bass drum! I certainly wasn't ready for that, and being told I had great control and tone on snare... This doesn't make sense, after all, I thought I did awful job, as I was shaking madly due to performance anxiety... Well, I must been dreaming... now pressure was really on, those famous killer notes... Hope I don't embarrass myself too much in those videos. 

It was a bit sad of our incident in the second movement, but still, well done to the orchestra.


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